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About Us

Science-based. Attachment-focused. Faith-informed.

About Us

Science based

Pathways Counseling is a community of like-minded therapists focused on helping people become their best selves mentally, emotionally, spiritually and relationally. We are particularly experienced in emotional and relationship traumas and issues. Our therapy is based on modern research in interpersonal neurobiology and attachment science. Because of this, our view of health and healthy functioning is holistic as we pay careful attention to the totality of each person’s thoughts, emotions, and body.

Faith informed and Integrated

Faith is an important part of who we are individually and informs our therapeutic perspective. We are able to integrate principles of the Christian faith into therapy as much as clients desire or not at all. What we find in modern research reinforces our values and theological perspectives of who God is and how we are made to function in relationship with ourselves and with others. Because of this, we are able to integrate both scientific and faith perspectives to identify core issues, resolve conflicts and traumas, and restore relational connection and intimacy.

Our History

Pathways journey began as the private practice of our founder, Aron Strong. Over the years, Pathways grew to include other therapists who shared a similar passion and belief in our unique style of therapy to bring wholeness to couples and individuals.

In addition to seeing clients of all kinds for various needs, Pathways has continued to grow in reputation as a center that is especially experienced at helping clients with relational traumas and those who have felt stuck with other counselors.


Take Your First Step

Everyone gets stuck at some point in their lives. Therapy helps you get past these blocks and teaches you the critical skills to get to the life you’re longing for. Talking to a someone you don’t know about things you don’t want to think about can be intimidating. Our approach puts you at ease, creates physical and emotional safety, and allows you to move at the pace you need and desire. Don’t wait another day.

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